stuff, so there!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

I wanna get out!!!!

Ever since school started, I realy haven't been able to do much lately. I wanna get out of the house and do things. The first time I was realy able to do something was last week. I went to Paij's and then Paij came here. Now that I'm typing.....I guess that I did do things. Last week I went to a b-day party and I have been going 2 drama club every day and D&D on Friday's (which there is none this week so I'm gonna be completely lost). But I wanna go somewhere else other that within 15 mins. from here.

Anyway, enough with the drama-ism. Thanks for the post Jess. It's nice to have someone other than Katie talk to you (heehee-just kidding-not-am-not-am-not-am.......anyway) Did anyone know I'm a psyco? I may have but I don't know.........this is strange

You know the 2 things that realy make me mad (probably not)? (1) there's no D&D every 1st Friday of the month because all of the DM's are getting together to make 1 DM game. Why can't they just have it on a Thursday? (2) I found out that next week, every single school has a 1/2 day on Thursday and no school on Friday.......EXCEPT fot the high school. What the (bad words) is up with that?

Well, I have to go seeing as I can't escape the drama-queen-ism



Blogger Myles said...

You'll find that complaining is mostly what we do here. It's a part of the blog tradition.

6:09 PM

Blogger Me said...

complaining is what we do anyway its no different on the blog or when we are all talking together, Life is one big bitch fest.


8:42 AM

Blogger Mary said...

Yeah, i'm not the only one!!!!!!

Thanks for the imput myles


3:03 PM

Blogger Laurel said...

amen katie! but you left out.. and then we die. but that's ok, a little pessimism goes a long way! but seriously, that has basis in fact, but i like to think of it as hayakawa would put it we speak to form human bonds on which we can rely... therefore we need to bitch, and it's nice sometimes to hear other's bitch about things that you would like to bitch about.. yes, that is a direct quote

10:27 PM

Blogger Mary said...

Yeeeeaaaahhhhh, i'm getting popular!!!!!!!!
(for the 1st time in my life-not that i care)


7:55 PM


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