stuff, so there!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

A quick little write up

this is just a quick response to everyones q's about drama club. our performances are dec. 2nd and 3rd. it consists of 1-act and 10 min. plays (don't i sound smart?). i don't know exactley when the times are, but i will find out soon.

thanksgiving is coming soon. it is very interesting to see everybodys emails. for those of you who are not family, it consists (there's that word again) of everybody emailing each other deciding what to bring and maybe a few insults tossed in, but it's fun(ny)

well, i gotta go now.....i hate homework



Blogger Leah said...

Hi Mary...I think you make an excellent addition to the blog net work, or blog family, whatever cute name you want to give it...or you could leave it nameless...anyway...
wow...I hope you're enjoying high school...

6:37 PM

Blogger Myles said...

High School was so much fun, I miss it.
I can't wait to see the play, one-acts are great.

4:02 PM

Blogger Me said...

I hope to god that I can make it back for at least one performance... I'll explain later. its complicated.

see you on tuesday

8:40 PM


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