stuff, so there!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Thought I'd Update


School's been going good, ummmmmmmmm......yeah, we just had auditions for THE MUSIC MAN........we still don't know who got what parts, but we should find out within the next couple of days. I don't think that I'm going to get the part that I wanted because my audition was horrible (I had a cold and my voice kept cracking), but I'll be happy with any part that I get. I'm playing D&D and I have to go before they kill me!!

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Going back..........

Well, summer is over, today is my last day of freedom....and I'm very sad. The begining of my summer was perfectly slow, but then right around the middle of it, it started speeding up and never slowed down!! Well, I'm ready for this school year I guess, but it's definatly going to be interesting....mostly because Paige is going to a different school, and she's been with me since 5th grade, so I'm going to be lost, but the thing that will make it more interesting is that 2 of my best friends are on speaking terms, and I'm caught in the middle. OH BOY!!!! Why does it feel like this always happens to me? Oh well, I'm not gonna let it get to me this year!!

This summer was pretty fun. I went to Laconia for a week with my grandmother and three of my cousins. It was a blast. I also went to a Red Sox game....we lost, but it was still fun!! D&D started up at the begining of the summer after a long break, you have no idea how happy I was for that. Now that it's the end of the summer, D&D is taking another break, but only for a month this time not like the torturous 3-4 months that it was last time, so I think I can handle it!! I also turned 16 this summer, that was fun, I spent the evening of my birthday in drivers ed taking tests, oh joy!! But then we went home hand had ice cream cake with ma, auntie kathy, and pa, so that made up for it.

Well anyway, I have stuff to do so I will talk to you later


Tuesday, May 01, 2007

I hate being sick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well.........the title pretty much explains it. I found out today that I have the flu and pneumonia. I am not aloud of the house for the rest of the week...........which makes me mad because I've already been stuck in the house since Saturday..........and I'm already starting to go crazy!!!!!!!!!!! I am soooooooo bored!!!!!! Also, everybody in my household hates me because now they have to take meds so that they don't get the flu. I can't take them because I've had it for over 48 hours, so they wouldn't help at all, and dad doesn't have to take them cause he had a flu shot..............................................................again, I'M SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO BORED!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, at least some good news came to me today. I got Elk's Student of the Month, wich was a huge surprise when Stanley told me, but it was confirmed by one of my at least I have that!!!!

Well, I have nothing else to write I'm gonna go find a book to entertain me. Hope to see you soon (hope to be well soon!!)

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

IT'S ALL OVER!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry about not posting since December, but I've been busy. I had practice every day after school until 5:00, then I had dinner, shower, hw, etc. and I just never had time to post, so I'm sorry to you all who were getting annoyed at my not writing everything anyway, the play.

I was completely surprised with the turnout. 500-some-odd people came to opening night! Over the coarse of all three performances, we raised $7,000 (and I don't know if that includes the $1,000 we made with concession stand)!!!!! I think that my favorite parts of the play were the big mess-ups. One example being when I was supposed to toss the "water" at Mike (our witch) at the end of the play, but the water was actualy a blue cloth, and this was my first time working with it......well anyway, when I went to toss it at Mike, instead of going up and forward a foot (he was on a platform), the cloth went at a 90-degree angle and out the huge window that we had.............that was sooooooooo funny, I almost died!!!!! There were also many other mistakes, but that was the first big one.................

Well anyway, I have to go now, the computer lab is about to close. Thanks to all the people who came to the play.................and............well................yeah


Thursday, December 21, 2006


This Monday and Tuesday, we had auditions for the Spring Musical, which this year is The Wisard of Oz. I didn't know and didn't care what part I got so, I auditioned for Dorothy, knowing that Lindsey would get it because........well........Lindsey is a realy REALY great singer. Yesturday, we got callbacks/dance auditions. To mine, and everybodies surprise, me, Marion & Robin Major, and I think there was maybe one other person, got callbacks for Dorothy. So, we auditioned and the final decisions (made by Ms. Westbrook and Mr. Burk-the new band teacher, for those of you don't know) were made last night. This morning, I walked into school and went to Ms. Westbrook's door to check the paper that told us who has what part..........well, guess what (though you've probably already guessed).........I'M DOROTHY!!!!!!!!!!!!! I, as Sam has said many times, "yelled like a Rumrill"..........I am soooooooooo excited. It still hasn't realy sunken in yet, but I'm sure it will soon, very soon.........Oh yeah.....our Wicked Witch of the West is played by a GUY!!!!!!!!!! No, he is not gay........he read lines from the Witch's part as a joke, but because he has a higher-piched voice, is realy good at sight reading, and is just a good acter in general, he got the part.

Well, that's all I can say for now, Katie's coming home tonight and I have to prepare for her arrivel,

The vary excited,


Friday, December 08, 2006

I's was playin with stuff

After posting my previous post today, I decided to catch up were I left off on everybody ele's (it's been awhile) and I was looking at the seal-thing that Myles posted a LONG time ago and decided I wanted to make one!! So I made this one for my unofficial Year of the Cat Fanclub!! It didn't turn out the way I wanted......which I have no idea exactly what I wanted) but this is the closest that I could get to what I think I wanted..

Well, I guess I'm done now, so I'll see you later!!


P.S. I've made TWO posts on my blog today, so if you're reading this one, you probably haven't read the other one, and if you want to, that's ok.......if you don't, then there's nothing I can do about it.

It's All Over!!!!!!!!!

This title could acount for (actualy more than) two things...............

First: The Two Weeks of H-E-Double-Hockey-Sticks..........which consisted of (1) Dress rehursals for the play for wich nobody knew their lines all last week (except Fri.) (2) The play for which nobody knew their lines Friday and Saturday (3) District auditions Monday which, sadly but understandably, I did not get in, (4) the band/chorus concert yesturday, and (4) , to end the week, I'm home sick today, so I'll have to miss the one thing I was realy looking forward to this week, D&D (and no, mom and/or dad, this is not what I was doing all day......I was doing homework so I wouldn't have to do a bunch of it Monday night and now I'm done, and since I was on the internet already, I thought it a perfectly good time to post a new blog because I havn't done it in a while).

The second thing that this title could stand for is the end of Fruits Basket (alright......shut up already......I know you're already teasing me)........... Last month on the 25 (I believe), the last chapter of Fruits Basket was released. It has yet to be translated to English (though I'm expecting that soon though)....but, thanks to scan translations, I was able to see the pictures the way they were published in Japan.............As a warning to those who read Fruits Basket.......many of the readers found the ending realy........lame, and I did a little bit. It left a lot of questions unanswered and left a couple new ones in my mind........You may like it, but I was just warning you that there may be a slight possibility that you may be dissapointed........

Well..........I guess that's it for now........Hope to see you for the Holidays


Saturday, October 07, 2006

Ah, the power of stupid teachers..........

Have you ever had a teacher that realy *ticks* you off? I have one. We are anly about a month into school and already he has sent me to this stupid new thing called homework academy 4 times (and it's supposed to be for freshmen but they include freshmen level classes-it sucks!!) where if you didn't finish you homework, even if it's only 3 problems and you didn't finish it because you needed help, you stay after school in the cafeteria with a bunch of freshmen that didn't do their homework cause you didn't feel like it and there's only 3 teachers in there, so it takes forever to get their attention, and the only one who can help you is a comlete spazz (he used to be a math teacher) and he mumbles half the stuff so you can't hear him talking and goes through it so fast that you end up getting more confused. The next thing was that the first time I took this quiz, I got a 21/40, so I retook it and got a 30/40, and when he puts retaken test grades into the book, he puts the higher test grade in, he doesn't average them. Well, I got a grade sheet back, and the goddamn test was still written as 21/40, and he had already handed me the second test back, so last friday, I showed this to him, and he said "ok, I'll fix it this weekend." Well, thursday, he handed me a gradesheet that he had printed tuesday. Guess what, it still said 21/40!!!!! He had not handed me back the retake again, so when I told him this, he said to check for the test in the handback pile, and it was there, which means he should have regraded I gave it to him for this weekend, and if he doesn't regrade it right this time, I'm gonna call mom from school to call him to to tell him that if he wants to live, he better start running, cause I'm gonna kill him. Also, I was sick with a cold about 2 weeks ago, so I missed school on that Friday. I went to school monday and asked him if there was anything that happened on that friday, and he told me that we had had a quiz, and that I would need to take it. Luckely that day, we had a home game and JV did not have to be there until 3:45, so I had til 3:30 to take the quiz, and I did, and I handed it to him. On the next grade sheet that we got, it said 0!!!!!!! I asked him about it and he said, hang on, I'll look for it. He didn't find it. He told me that that didn't mean that I didn't do it, and that the faster thing to do would be to just retake it, so I did and he's gonna grade it this weekend. And because of those 2 tests and one other (this one I'm not balming him for completely because I got the bad grade, but I could have caught up on it faster if I wasn't worried about those other two tests) I've been inelligable for the past week and havn't been able to play in the field hockey games. I am now elligable cause I made up everything, but still, I had to stay out of the games because he kept loosing my papers.

Please note that this teacher is realy nice, just a dumb ass piece of shit for a teacher.

Also sorry about all of the swearing mom, but I have a good reason to, so leave me alone.

Well, that's enough of my ranting,
