stuff, so there!!!!!!!!!

Friday, December 08, 2006

It's All Over!!!!!!!!!

This title could acount for (actualy more than) two things...............

First: The Two Weeks of H-E-Double-Hockey-Sticks..........which consisted of (1) Dress rehursals for the play for wich nobody knew their lines all last week (except Fri.) (2) The play for which nobody knew their lines Friday and Saturday (3) District auditions Monday which, sadly but understandably, I did not get in, (4) the band/chorus concert yesturday, and (4) , to end the week, I'm home sick today, so I'll have to miss the one thing I was realy looking forward to this week, D&D (and no, mom and/or dad, this is not what I was doing all day......I was doing homework so I wouldn't have to do a bunch of it Monday night and now I'm done, and since I was on the internet already, I thought it a perfectly good time to post a new blog because I havn't done it in a while).

The second thing that this title could stand for is the end of Fruits Basket (alright......shut up already......I know you're already teasing me)........... Last month on the 25 (I believe), the last chapter of Fruits Basket was released. It has yet to be translated to English (though I'm expecting that soon though)....but, thanks to scan translations, I was able to see the pictures the way they were published in Japan.............As a warning to those who read Fruits Basket.......many of the readers found the ending realy........lame, and I did a little bit. It left a lot of questions unanswered and left a couple new ones in my mind........You may like it, but I was just warning you that there may be a slight possibility that you may be dissapointed........

Well..........I guess that's it for now........Hope to see you for the Holidays



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