stuff, so there!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Well now that that's cleared up..........

The play is officialy March 31 and April 1st............

I am very angry because my practice schedual will not let me go to see Jen's performance of Footloose which is realy bad because I realy wanted to see it..........I'm sorry Jen

I have gained some friend I thought I had lost. In my school there are a few people who were my friends in 6th grade, but went to a different school for middle school. When we came to the high school this year, I thought I had lost their friendship......but recently we have been talking a lot more and we quickly became close friends again, which makes me happy because they are good friends and I'd hate to lose that.

I wish I could see all of my friends who are in 8th grade this year because I miss them and most of them I've only cought a glimps of since last summer............maybe I can get dad to help me see them.........maybe not.......I do miss them though.

See Sam (B). I redid my blog before you did........I win!!!!!!!!! It's nice to know that the whole incident with Lauren, Ross, and others is gone...........mostly anyway, they are no longer trying to do that YEAH!!!!!!!! I belive we will always have a Katie and Myles thing, but now there are no lies about the "relationship" coming true......

..........Well, I have to go now, I hope that in some point in time I will see you all..



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