stuff, so there!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, December 21, 2006


This Monday and Tuesday, we had auditions for the Spring Musical, which this year is The Wisard of Oz. I didn't know and didn't care what part I got so, I auditioned for Dorothy, knowing that Lindsey would get it because........well........Lindsey is a realy REALY great singer. Yesturday, we got callbacks/dance auditions. To mine, and everybodies surprise, me, Marion & Robin Major, and I think there was maybe one other person, got callbacks for Dorothy. So, we auditioned and the final decisions (made by Ms. Westbrook and Mr. Burk-the new band teacher, for those of you don't know) were made last night. This morning, I walked into school and went to Ms. Westbrook's door to check the paper that told us who has what part..........well, guess what (though you've probably already guessed).........I'M DOROTHY!!!!!!!!!!!!! I, as Sam has said many times, "yelled like a Rumrill"..........I am soooooooooo excited. It still hasn't realy sunken in yet, but I'm sure it will soon, very soon.........Oh yeah.....our Wicked Witch of the West is played by a GUY!!!!!!!!!! No, he is not gay........he read lines from the Witch's part as a joke, but because he has a higher-piched voice, is realy good at sight reading, and is just a good acter in general, he got the part.

Well, that's all I can say for now, Katie's coming home tonight and I have to prepare for her arrivel,

The vary excited,



Blogger Sam said...

WAHOO!!!! (See, some of us can yell like a Sam) Congratulations!!!!! When is the performance?

4:02 AM

Blogger Mary said...

The performances are on March 24, 25, and maybe even the 26 (because Mr. Hodsden wants 3 performances this year. Oh yeah.......I made a lot of spelling mistakes on my blog. Example, I wrote Wisard instead of Wizard.....and such things as that.......please forgive me for I am a horrible speller (runs in the family)and don't realize my mistakes until AFTER.

11:11 AM

Blogger Leah said...

That's sooooo exciting...if I can come I will try to!!!!!!!! (And I'm also currently crazy about The Wizard of Oz and have read many of the books and done a presentation on it in school...and you should ask Laurel if you can borrow her mom's dress...because have you seen the pictures we took as me dressed up as Dorothy? The dress would be a great costume...anyway...I'm really not THAT obsessed with the story...) But that's sooo cool!!!! I saw a video of your show last year and you were really good!!!

1:26 PM

Blogger Mary said...

awww..........thanks leah

7:55 PM

Blogger Jess-Beast said...

update on progress of play!

3:07 PM

Blogger Leah said...

How is the show going, Mary???!!!!

9:08 AM

Blogger Jess-Beast said...

How's the play, Mary?

10:22 AM


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