stuff, so there!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Some interesting bit of history........

The other day, dad was trying to telling me the history of flipping people off and where it started, but he did not describe it very well, so last night I looked it up on the internet and found this.........(I'm putting it in quotes because it's not my own words and in case if they happen to be blog surfing and come across mine, they can't sue me or anything............or at least now they know that I'm not trying to take credit for it)

"a history lesson: the middle finger

did you know that the whole "flip off" thing has a history to it? you're about to...

before the battle of agincourt in 1415, the french, anticipating victory over the english, proposed to cut off the middle finger of all captured english soldiers. without the middle finger it would be impossible to draw the renowned english longbow and therefore they would be incapable of fighting in the future.

this famous weapon was made of the native english yew tree, and the act of drawing the longbow was known as "plucking the yew" (or "pluck yew").

much to the bewilderment of the french, the english won a major upset and began mocking the french by waving their middle fingers at the defeated french, saying, "see, we can still pluck yew! "pluck yew!" since 'pluck yew' is rather difficult to say, the difficult consonant cluster at the beginning has gradually changed to a labiodental fricative 'f', and thus the words often used in conjunction with the one-finger-salute!

it is also because of the pheasant feathers on the arrows used with the longbow that the symbolic gesture is known as "giving the bird."

(Mary) Now we all know the interesting history of the middle finger...............

Well...................I guess that I havta go do some random stuff now. I hope to see you all soon


Monday, March 20, 2006

......a new post

Well, Cinderella is officialy Fri. 3/31/06 and Sat. 4/1/06........

I realy wanted to see Jen's play this weekend, but my practice schedual would not allow it.......grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr........I am sooooooooooooooo sorry Jen!!!!!!!!

Friday (3/17) I got to see (almost) all of my 8th grade friends, which is good because mostly I've only cought glimpses of them or havn't seen them at all. I can't wait till next year, it's gonna be great!! We're gonna be soooooooo crazy!! It's gonna be fun!! Oh ya, the reason I saw them was because it was a 1/2 day, but I had to stay after for practice and on that day was the day that the 8th graders met with their HR teachers for high school and where they figured out all their classes, or at least the one's they got signed up for.......I can't wait till 'move up day' comes along

Everyone around me is getting sick, and I think I am getting a cold, which is bad because I cannot affored to get a cold.........tomorow I am singing a song from the play with my "sister" for some art group thing, and the play is in........hang week plus......well, 10 days of practicing left........I think, and that's counting today..........I think that's right , but you should probably check that.......

Being sick also reminds me of something else........I have not been sick once so far this school year and I have only had one tardy. That tardy came from one day when my alarm clock didn't go off, and because I usualy wake my self up, and dad and Stanley were in a hurry, and mom was out in the cottage until it was past time for me to leave, nobody knew that I was still in bed sleeping.......well, mom gave me the option to stay home when she came back, but I decided to go because I realy had to stay after for practice......but anyway, back to the origional topic.......being in school for that many days in a row has beaten all of my records, which weren't very long to start with. I know that posting it is probably going to jinx it, but I don't care, as long as it's AFTER the performances.

Also speaking of the performances, I got to learn how to waltz on Friday and we practiced some today. I thought it was easy, and I did know a bit, but if you've never done it/havn't done it in a while, it makes you stiff!! It started in my legs, but over the course of the weekend, it moved all the way up into my arms and to the bottem of my neck!

Wow I talk a lot!! Well, I guess that's all I have to talk about for now so I guess I'll see you all at some point in time


P.S. It's the first day of spring, so WHERE"S THE SPRING WEATHER??????

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Well now that that's cleared up..........

The play is officialy March 31 and April 1st............

I am very angry because my practice schedual will not let me go to see Jen's performance of Footloose which is realy bad because I realy wanted to see it..........I'm sorry Jen

I have gained some friend I thought I had lost. In my school there are a few people who were my friends in 6th grade, but went to a different school for middle school. When we came to the high school this year, I thought I had lost their friendship......but recently we have been talking a lot more and we quickly became close friends again, which makes me happy because they are good friends and I'd hate to lose that.

I wish I could see all of my friends who are in 8th grade this year because I miss them and most of them I've only cought a glimps of since last summer............maybe I can get dad to help me see them.........maybe not.......I do miss them though.

See Sam (B). I redid my blog before you did........I win!!!!!!!!! It's nice to know that the whole incident with Lauren, Ross, and others is gone...........mostly anyway, they are no longer trying to do that YEAH!!!!!!!! I belive we will always have a Katie and Myles thing, but now there are no lies about the "relationship" coming true......

..........Well, I have to go now, I hope that in some point in time I will see you all..


Thursday, March 02, 2006

Everyone's Out to get me!!!!!!!!!!

Today, durring one of my classes (don't worry, I was done with my work and had nothing to do) I was checking mine and everyone else's blogs (keep in mind that my friends were also done and was watching me do this). Well, when I got to Sam's (boy-not librarian) blog, this is what I see.........

"In recent news I found out from Lauran(<--- spelt wrong.... I know it....) that Mary has a crush on me.... ZOMG. Though this really isn't REcent recent news, I felt as though I should throw it out there so it would be known to Mary that Lauran told me this. I wanna see her get her Just-desserts. Now that she did anything wrong, just that I like seeing people getting thwacked around by other people (who are enraged). It was weird hearing it from Lauran, considering she tells NO truth, except when it's gonna cause someone some sort of discomfort. But when Ross came in and comfirmed, I knew it was true... But I can't say that yet. And if it turns out I posted this (maybe) lie, I'll get an ass-whoopin from The-One-Of-Bruising-Slaps. I fear for my safty..."


Ok, just to let everyone know.........
ever since last year when Sam and I both got the parts of McBeth and Lady McBeth (I think I spelled that wrong, but anyway) people have been calling us the new Katie and Myles...........and I do NOT have a crush on him. If you look at my first comment of his blog, it sounds like I am rushing and nervous.....well that's because my friends were reading it with me.........and they know who Sam is and how good of friends we are, so they were acting like everybody else......ANNOYING

.........anyway, so I called Lauren to ask her why she would tell Sam that. She told me that her and Ross.......and I'm pretty sure a couple of other people too.......are trying to get me and Sam together.........GRRRRRRRR...........oh and by the way, Sam is right (1)tommorrow, Lauren and Ross are getting punched in the face (maby not......but they will be tortured) (2) Sam is getting smacked because he should of told me that Lauren toled him rather than saying it on his blog where everyone can see

Now if you don't mind, I'm going to go punch a pillow to practice for tomorow

P.S. laugh and comment away, I know you want to.....